Saturday, June 26, 2010

Weight loss diets - How to loose weight without a diet

  1. Eat slowly. The brain requires some time to realize that you ate enough. If you eat your entire meal in just a few minutes the brain will continue to send the “hungry” signal and you will refill your plate and eat again. If you, however, eat slowly, you brain will have enough time to process the information.
  2. You don’t have to use tiny plates. Most weight loss tips say that you should serve food in smaller dishes to create the feeling of a stuffed plate. However, you can put a huge plate in front of you and still loose weight. How-you might ask? Well, the most important is what you put in that plate. Fill your plate with bulky vegetables, for example. You will eat a lot of vitamins and fibers and feel full, when in the fact; you didn’t eat a lot of calories.
  3. Drink plenty of liquid before the meal. A light soup is also a good beginning of the meal. Liquid will make you less hungry so you will eat less other food.
  4. Relax! Many researches have shown that people tend to overeat in stressful periods. Find something that relaxes you-your favorite music, walking, gardening-whatever is best for you. That way the next time you are in a bad mood, you won’t reach for the food.
  5. You don’t have to eat everything off your plate. This habit is hard to break because most people were taught as children that they must clear their plates before they can leave the table. On monthly basis, leaving the last few bites can save you from eating a lot of calories. After some time you will start doing that automatically; your mind will adjust to that and send the signal that you are full before you ate everything from your plate.
  6. Give you cleaning lady some days off. If you cleaning the house by yourself for the weekend you will have a great workout and plus, you will save some money. As a reward, use that money to treat yourself with a nice accessory or a piece of clothing.
  7. Pick a day in the week when you can eat a small piece of your favorite sweet. The best is the last day of the week, because like that you can award yourself for eating right and implementing healthy habits for the whole week.

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