Saturday, June 26, 2010

Weight loss diets - How to loose weight without a diet

  1. Eat slowly. The brain requires some time to realize that you ate enough. If you eat your entire meal in just a few minutes the brain will continue to send the “hungry” signal and you will refill your plate and eat again. If you, however, eat slowly, you brain will have enough time to process the information.
  2. You don’t have to use tiny plates. Most weight loss tips say that you should serve food in smaller dishes to create the feeling of a stuffed plate. However, you can put a huge plate in front of you and still loose weight. How-you might ask? Well, the most important is what you put in that plate. Fill your plate with bulky vegetables, for example. You will eat a lot of vitamins and fibers and feel full, when in the fact; you didn’t eat a lot of calories.
  3. Drink plenty of liquid before the meal. A light soup is also a good beginning of the meal. Liquid will make you less hungry so you will eat less other food.
  4. Relax! Many researches have shown that people tend to overeat in stressful periods. Find something that relaxes you-your favorite music, walking, gardening-whatever is best for you. That way the next time you are in a bad mood, you won’t reach for the food.
  5. You don’t have to eat everything off your plate. This habit is hard to break because most people were taught as children that they must clear their plates before they can leave the table. On monthly basis, leaving the last few bites can save you from eating a lot of calories. After some time you will start doing that automatically; your mind will adjust to that and send the signal that you are full before you ate everything from your plate.
  6. Give you cleaning lady some days off. If you cleaning the house by yourself for the weekend you will have a great workout and plus, you will save some money. As a reward, use that money to treat yourself with a nice accessory or a piece of clothing.
  7. Pick a day in the week when you can eat a small piece of your favorite sweet. The best is the last day of the week, because like that you can award yourself for eating right and implementing healthy habits for the whole week.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dietrine Weight Loss Patch

The Dietrine Weight Loss Patch will help you:
- Increases Your Energy
- Controls Your Appetite
- Burns Fat Safely and Effectively
The Dietrine Weight Loss Patch is a cutting-edge, advanced appetite suppressant, metabolism booster, and energy enhancer...all in one. With Dietrine Patch, there are no more starvation diets and no difficult and dangerous exercises. It works all day and all night long!

Just place a new adhesive skin patch on your body, each day for continuous, safe, and effective weight loss. Much like a Nicotine Patch which takes away your craving for cigarettes, Dietrine Diet Patch drastically reduces your cravings for food, so you naturally do not want to over-eat. At the same time, Dietrine Patch boosts your energy level, and jump-starts your metabolism to burn maximum body fat.

More Free useful articles Here!

How to Lose Weight & Block Fat

One Dietrine Carb BlockerCapsule taken prior to a meal can block up to 1125 calories from fat and carbohydrate foods.

Do you find it difficult to cut down on delicious foods filled with carbohydrates such as pasta, cakes, breads, potato chips and ice cream? If you said yes then you are not alone. Now with our new Dietrine Carb Blocker we offer a 100% safe and stimulant free natural product that will allow you to indulge on occasion without having to feel guilty about eating starchy foods. Dietrine Carb Blocker is an exclusive formulation of research-supported botanical ingredients designed to Block Carbohydrates, Control Carb Cravings, Boost Energy levels and Block Fats from your body.

During the digestive process, your body converts carbohydrates, found in starchy foods such as potatoes and pasta, into sugar. Your body does this by breaking-down the carbohydrate molecule with alpha amylase, an enzyme that is produced in the pancreas.

These sugar calories are either burned off, through exercise, or stored as fat cells for future use. Unfortunately, inactivity means that these stored fat cells accumulate. The result is weight gain.

Dietrine Carb Blocker with Phase 2®, an exclusive, all-natural nutritional ingredient extracted from white kidney beans, "neutralizes" the digestive enzyme alpha amylase before it can convert starch into glucose and then fat. Essentially, it allows the carbohydrates to pass through the system with less caloric intake.* The Phase 2® starch blocker has been clinically proven to reduce the absorption of starch by 66%-75% resulting in significantly less net caloric intake.

Take one Dietrine Capsule prior to a meal and you can block up to 1125 calories from fat and carbohydrate foods.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Fitness made simple. Squat thrusts

Everybody understands push ups and sit-ups. They’re simple, straightforward exercises. But to get a shapely and fit looking body you need to get beyond the simpler exercises and put more muscles to work. Dieting can only take you half way through to your goal. The rest has to come from exercises that burn out fat and build stronger muscles.

So, one good exercise that can be easily performed at home by anyone is the squat thrusts. In order to perform squat thrusts, you have to put your hands on the floor, shoulder width apart, with the legs stretched, just like in the normal push up position. From this position, you must bring both legs forward, underneath your torso, by bending the knees and thrusting forward. The third step is to return your legs to the original position with the same quick, powerful movements.

The exercise can be performed by bringing the right leg forward, in a position that resembles that of a runner at the start line. Then, thrust both legs simultaneously, the right leg going back and the left leg coming forward to replace the right one. And thrust again, bringing the right leg forward and pushing the left leg back.

This exercise is meant to work out the glutes, the hamstrings and the quads, with some benefits for the triceps. Be careful not to trip and fall and make sure your hands are firmly keeping the whole body in the correct position. Perform some 15-20 reps every workout session and you’ll be showing some great legs to anyone who cares to look. Ladies are impressed by men with muscular legs and asses and you don’t need me to tell you how men feel about women with good-looking legs.

Remember that exercises must be helped by keeping a close eye on the food intake. Junk food, sodas and snacks have to go and fruits, vegetables and other nutritional and healthy foods must take their place. You could also get a huge helping hand from the ProShaperx natural weight loss pills. These pills contain the famous Hoodia Gordonii, an African plant that suppresses the feeling of hunger. With hunger out of the way, your dieting and exercises program is bound to succeed.

Skipping is good for you in more ways than one

People looking to lose weight are always interested in exercising. It’s practically inevitable: if you’re trying to get rid of that spare tire, sooner or later you are going to have to start doing some exercises in order to burn off the extra calories. While taking herbal pills, such as the excellent ProShaperx, to start the weight loss process is a good idea, calories will still refuse to burn themselves off. This means that some effort is required on your part.

Most people go to gyms or start running in the park. These are good options. Gyms always have professional trainers on hand that can help a beginner to plan his routines and can recommend exercises. Running in the park, on the other hand, is a fine way to build stamina and keep the cardiovascular system in shape. And so are skipping, jogging and bicycle riding. Whereas going to the gym costs money, cardiovascular training is cheap. I was going to say that cardio is free, but you still have to buy a bike, some sport clothes or a skipping rope.

Skipping is something everybody can do in their spare time. It’s a simple and fun exercise and once you got the hand of it, you’re bound to like it. People who’ve never skipped a rope tend to say: “That looks like a complex exercise. What if my feet get tangled I that rope?”. Believe me, it’s not complicated at all. If you can pop a ProShaperx pill in your mouth, then you can certainly skip the rope. It doesn’t take any brains at all, just a bit of muscular coordination.

The numbers don’t lie. The effort it takes to jump the rope for ten minutes is the equivalent of running a mile in eight minutes. So, if you think the park is too far or too populated with unsavory characters, you can skip the rope in your home or backyard. Thirty minutes of this type of exercise are as good for your heart and weight loss effort as running a couple of miles. One hour of rope skipping will rid you of 1,300, which is not bad at all for something that only requires a piece of rope and some free time.

Jumping rope also does a better job protecting your joints. It certainly is easier on the knee joints than running because the impact of each jump is handled by both legs, simultaneously. And unlike jogging, jumping rope is also good for your arms. The shoulders get a really good workout from keeping that rope in motion. It’s no wonder boxers and wrestlers do a lot of rope skipping, since it works wonders for their footwork while at the same time helping them stay in shape.

So, to wrap it up, rope skipping is a fun and efficient way of losing weight. Combine it with other exercises that can be performed at home and make sure you get at least 30 minutes of workout per day. Taking ProShaperx is a very good idea, but the pills cannot help people who don’t watch their food intake and refuse to exercise. If you keep a positive outlook, exercise and stay off fast food and sodas, results won’t be long coming.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Fitness made simple. Push ups

What’s the oldest trick in the big book of fitness exercises? You guessed it, it’s the push ups. This exercise is so well known and has been around for so long that I think it must have been performed by Roman soldiers, too. It looks ancient and it feels ancient. But it’s also extremely simple and extremely effective. So, if you want those bulging pectorals, get down and give me 20.

Push ups are a great exercise that can be performed anywhere. The basic push up is performed lying face down on the floor and then raising and lowering the body using just the arms. Push ups are meant to strengthen the pectorals, triceps and, to some extent, the deltoids, but are also good as core body strength exercises.

If you really want to put pressure on your shoulder and chest muscles you can try the press ups, which are the military or athletic version of the push ups. Press ups are performed with the back and legs straight and off the floor. If you are at home, you can put your feet on a low chair or armchair. If you’re in the park, you can use a bench to prop up your feet. Try not to raise your legs too high above the shoulder line.

Other variations include push ups performed using just four fingers at each hand, using only one hand, clapping the hands (requires strong pushes that raise the body higher than usual), or pressing against a wall instead of using the floor (the farther your feet are from the wall, the harder the exercise). Take care not to injure yourself while performing some of the more exotic variations.

If you’re an overweight person looking to get back into shape, you should not avoid push ups. This exercise can teach you something about carrying your own weight. And if you are dieting, you would do well to give ProShaperx a try. These natural pills will make weight loss easier for you by taking away the feeling of hunger and helping your body regulate the intake of calories. It’s so easy it’s simply amazing.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Fitness made simple. Sit-ups

Getting up in the morning and going straight to work or other chores can be a bore. There are days when one simply doesn’t feel like getting out of bed. And this is where exercising can actually help you with a kick start. A quick workout session at the beginning of the day can do wonders for your health, especially if you’re also trying to lose weight. Since the perfectly natural ProShaperx pills need to be taken 30 minutes before meals, you have plenty of time before breakfast to exercise a bit.

Sit-ups are one of those exercises that can be performed at home. To perform sit-ups you need to lie on your back on the floor and bend your knees at 90 degrees. Then, you have to sit up without moving your legs at all. It is very important not to use your leg muscles to balance the body, compensate or supplement the effort made by the abdominal muscles or you will get no benefit from this exercise.

You may want to perform the exercise on a workout mat or pad in order to make it easier on your back. Some people find it uncomfortable when the lower back bones press into a hardwood floor, which is why mats and pads are recommended.

However, if you want sit-ups to be fully effective, you should coupled them with generic cardio exercises, such as running, which will lower the overall body fat and leave the abs exposed. If you experience lower back pain, you should stop performing sit-ups and settle for crunches or other exercises that do not involve lower back movement.

This exercise will help you get those cool looking abdominals that everybody wants to show off. Today, both men and women are eager to acquire that “tough to the core” look that a well defined six-pack gives. It’s a sign of a body kept well in hand and of a strong will behind it.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Lose Weight by Sleeping

Do you fell that you need to lose weight? Well then don’t just count calories. You might want to count sheep as well.
Recent studies have shown that sleep deprivation disrupts a series of metabolism and hormonal processes. It causes increased hunger and affects the body’s metabolism making it difficult to lose and control weight.
Lack of sleep causes a hormone called cortisol, which controls the appetite, to take excess calories and store them as excess body fat. In addition, sleep loss interferes with carbohydrate metabolism which may cause high blood glucose levels. The excess amount of glucose encourages the overproduction of insulin, which may lead to diabetes or even obesity.
Furthermore, sleep deprivation can promote weight gain by affecting our behavior. People who lack sleep tended to crave sweets or high carbohydrate, high fat food with low nutrient value. They tend to snack on chips, cakes, pastries, burgers, fries, soft drinks, etc. Though the short-term rise in blood sugar, brought on by these snacks, gives a surge of energy, the extra calories are not needed by the body and must be stored as body fat.
These calories are not so easily shed than taken. When they are sleep deprived, people are often too tired to exercise or they work out less intensely than usual. They commonly feel exhausted and lack the energy and motivation to do even simple exercises. They rather go to sleep, or eat, than go physical. In due time, the calories that are gained and not easily burned are deposited in the body as fat.
Some people may require less hours of sleep to be in top condition during the day; while others need more than 10 hours. But experts agree that most people need at least eight hours of sleep each night to give themselves enough energy to exercise, eat right and keep off those unwanted pounds. Yet, according to a poll sponsored by the National Sleep Foundation, only 30 percent of adults get eight or more hours of sleep on weeknights; while 52 percent do on weekends. A third of adults reportedly sleep no more than six-and-a-half hours nightly.
In fact, disruption in the sleeping patterns in the United States and in the industrialized world is thought as one of the main reasons that people are getting overweight. People should start making behavioral and lifestyle changes now for a better, healthier tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

BMI - Ideal weight of a healthy person

Before going further with diet pills let us have a general idea about how much weight a healthy person should possess. By healthy person we mean a person who is neither fat nor thin. Frankly, there is no such thing as an ideal weight. But there is only a healthy weight range. According to physicians for a healthy person, the healthy weight range is calculated as Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI should be between 19 and 24.9.

BMI calculation measures body fat composition by plotting your weight versus your height. BMI gives a measure of what is underweight, healthy and overweight by height.

Body Mass Index can be calculated using pounds and inches with this equation:

BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / (Height in inches) x (Height in inches)x ) x 703

For example, a person who weighs 220 pounds and is 6 feet 3 inches tall has a BMI of 27.5.

(220 ibs/(75 inches)x (75 inches) )x 703=27.5

To convert units :

1kg = 2.2 lb

1 m = 39.37 in

For men and women from 18 years onwards the following table can be used as a guide for idea body weight:



Below 19


19 - 25

Healthy weight

25 - 30


30 - 40


Over 40

Severely obese

Underwater weighing, skin-fold caliper or bioelectrical impedance can do the exact measurement of body-fat percent. After suffering from obesity we have to follow a number of methods to control it, but if we are aware of the serious problems caused by them, we must control it right from the beginning. For that one must check regularly his weight and take precautions if it is gaining more than desired.